26 May 2010, writed by David
category: she
Sacred Geometry

The new Elena Gallen's collection is called "Sacred Geometry".
Sacred Geometry evolves around the divinity of mathematics, focusing on the aurea proportion applied to human, nature and culture. Beyond a fashion collection, Sacred Geometry is a dark and conceptual art project, a conciliatory journey into science and humanity.
The mood is set trought a 00:45 second film in collaboration with emergent motion designer and filmmaker Tom Geraedts.
Elena Gallen S/S 2010. Dark and ethereal, the new designs remind of deep and hidden desires, dark reflective moonlandscapes and smoke.
The new line of t-shirts is based on depurated geometry shaped screenprints and twisted collage works.
The divine proportion, the fractal patterns, the structure of cosmos or the fibonnaci sequence inspire these mysterious prints.
You can follow Elena GAllen with her facebook, twitter and tumblr.
David, See Ya! - iloveyourtshirt x Play-Doh.